N4C Listserv

N4C's listserv is a private, unmoderated electronic discussion list for members of the National Coalition for Campus Children’s Centers. The list is devoted to topics related to the concerns of staff, faculty, and administrators in laboratory schools or children’s centers on university or college campuses, in early childhood education departments, and in family-work programs; and of others interested in campus environments for children.

To write to the listserv, log in, visit the Membership Menu and Click the dropdown item Members Only Area

  1. Click on "My Profile".
  2. Hover over "My Features" and select "E-Lists" from the available options.
  3. Choose the desired E-list you wish to mail.
  4. Click on "Post a New Message" to compose and send your message to the list.

Advertisements of Products or Services

We encourage the exchange of information about products or services, commercial or otherwise, but not the advertising of products or services (i.e., providing information about a product for sale by a person who might benefit from the sale). 

Job and Conference Announcements

The posting of job announcements in commercial or noncommercial settings (e.g., universities, professional organizations) is appropriate. The posting of information about conferences, workshops, courses, etc., is appropriate.

When posting information about jobs or conferences, please keep postings to a reasonable length. If you have a great deal of information to share, please post a summary or overview of the information and direct members to another appropriate source for more detailed information. (For example, they might visit the conference Web site for a complete schedule of conference sessions; or they may email you personally for details of a job application.)


The posting of job announcements in commercial or noncommercial settings (e.g., universities, professional organizations) is appropriate. The posting of information about conferences, workshops, courses, etc., is appropriate.
When posting information about jobs or conferences, please keep postings to a reasonable length. If you have a great deal of information to share, please post a summary or overview of the information and direct members to another appropriate source for more detailed information. (For example, they might visit the conference web site for a complete schedule of conference sessions; or they may email you personally for details of a job application.)

Listserv FAQ

  • Why am I not receiving listserv messages?

There may be a couple of reasons. Did you give N4C your e-mail on your membership application? Are you a current N4C member? Have you provided your full e-mail address, rather than a campus abbreviated e-mail? If all of these are true, contact N4C.

  • How do I unsubscribe from the listserv?

You may unsubscribe from the listerv from your Profile Page or simply click the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the email message.

  • I love the listserv, but don’t want to receive so many e-mails. Are there other options?

Yes. You can ask your IT contact to set up a digest version internally OR create a folder that you move the E-List messages to so that you may review them at your convenience.

  • How do I post a job announcement, and is there a charge?

There is no charge, even if you are a non–member. For members that are on the listserv, you simply write out the job announcement in a listserv message. For non-members, e-mail [email protected] and they will post it to the listserv for you.